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How To Succeed With Your New Years Resolutions Using Your Treadmill

Can you use the treadmill to make your New Years Resolutions successful?

The answer is yes!

You’ll see that most Americans have a treadmill at home, but very few know how to use it to lose weight. So, in this short article, I’m going to show you how to use a very simple treadmill exercise to achieve your fat loss goals for the new year.

To start this weight loss exercise, simply hop on a treadmill and warm up by walking for five minutes! Make sure that the incline of the treadmill is set to 0% and that the speed does not exceed 2.5 miles per hour.

When you are finished with this warm-up session, increase the incline of the treadmill to 3% and the speed up to 5 miles per hour, jog at this speed for three minutes. When you do, slow the treadmill back down to three miles per hour and a 1% incline and do this for two minutes.

Alternate between walking and jogging like I just explained, and you’ll have a very powerful fat-burning treadmill workout. This treadmill weight loss session should take around 30 minutes to complete.

If you were to do this at least four times a week as part of your New Years Resolutions weight loss program, you would burn a lot of calories and end up losing a lot of weight.

Once you’ve done this fat loss workout, you should focus on a weight loss principle that goes like this: “To lose weight, calories burned must be less than calories consumed.”

So, knowing this, we have to reduce the number of calories we consume to five hundred calories per day below what we normally consume on a daily basis. If this is done, you will have a deficit of three thousand five hundred calories in a week, which would allow you to burn a pound of fat a month! Add in the treadmill component and you’ll lose an additional pound of fat per week.

The two components add up to two pounds of fat loss per month, which equates to 24 pounds of fat per year. 24 pounds is all you need to allow you to achieve your New Years Resolutions weight loss goal.

In short, losing weight using your treadmill is not only possible, it’s practical, and can only be done if you use the weight loss routine I just shared with you.


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