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How to lose weight fast and easy

Do you want to lose weight fast? And you still don’t want to stress a lot? Do you want to achieve your weight loss very easily? If you answered yes to all the above questions, then here you are at the right place. We will show you how to lose weight faster, easier and even more efficiently. By “effectively,” I mean “lose weight and maintain permanent weight loss.”

Read and practice our entire collection of expert weight loss tips and ideas. You can carry them out very easily.

45 minutes of walking a day

A 45-minute walk every day will help you lose weight by burning body fat. Even if you eat the same diet you are currently eating, if you walk for 45 minutes a day, you will lose 30 pounds in a year. Walking also prevents stress, increases energy level, lowers blood pressure, increases good cholesterol (HDL) and reduces the likelihood of diabetes and osteoporosis.

Read weight loss success stories

Wondering what you’d gain from simply reading someone else’s success story? There is more to this than just being a story. These true stories inspire and motivate you to lose weight. You tend to get rid of that “I can never do it” feeling. Also, you will get to know a lot of working tips on weight loss. Yes, it really pays off when you hear about the success of others.

The color blue works for weight loss.

Have you ever thought that there may be a relationship between a color you see and the weight of your body? Sounds absurd, right? But it is true. The color blue acts as an appetite suppressant and that is the reason why you don’t find many blue colored fast food restaurants. So use blue plates to serve your food, wear blue clothes, hang blue curtains and use a blue tablecloth. Circle the areas where you keep your food and consume your food in blue. Avoid orange, yellow and red colors in these places. They have controversial effects on your eating habits and make you eat more.

Use smaller plates

Reducing the size of your plates gives you control over your portions. Any study has found that one tends to eat whatever amount of food is in front of him or her. The larger the amount of food in front of you, the more you tend to take. On the other hand, the smaller the amount of food that is placed in front of you, the less you will eat. So switch to smaller plates. Serving your meals on a smaller plate will restrict the amount of food you eat to a certain level, no matter how hungry you are. Use salad plates that are 7 to 9 inches wide for your meals.

Looking in a mirror when you eat works!

Eating while looking in a mirror will reduce the portion you consume by a third. It’s amazing, right? But it has been proven by a study. There seems to be some reflection of your own goals and internal standards when you look in the mirror. This reflection reminds you of the reason behind your motivation to lose weight. So hang a mirror across your dining room table so you can look at yourself while you eat.

Eat foods rich in water

Research conducted by Pennsylvania State University found that consuming water-rich foods at meals reduces overall calorie intake. Water-rich foods like zucchini, cucumbers, and tomatoes taken during meals will work. You can also include other foods like salads and soups that are also rich in water.

Eat fruits and vegetables

Eat fruits and vegetables in large quantities. They have fewer calories, zero fat, and high amounts of dietary fiber. They make you feel full due to their volume. In addition, they also provide you with a large amount of minerals, vitamins and phytochemicals. Thus, your health improves, and together with you, you lose weight. Fruits like berries and apples have a higher amount of pectin and therefore act as fat burning foods. Vegetables like broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, and sprouts also promote weight loss.

Avoid foods that contain corn, sugar, and high fructose syrup

Any food preparation that contains corn syrup, sugar, or fructose should be avoided if you want to lose weight. Look at the labels on food packages. If any of these ingredients are present, keep them away.

Practice slow and calm eating.

When you eat slowly and calmly, savoring each bite of food that enters your mouth, you tend to eat less. You know why? This is because your brain receives the information that your stomach is full only a few minutes later than when your stomach was actually full. Eating slowly gives your brain time to pick up the information that you’re full and don’t need more food.

Avoid eating in large groups

A research article published in the Journal of Physiological Behavior said that people tend to eat a lot more when eating in large groups. This may be due to more time spent at the dining room table, which is a hallmark of eating in large groups. However, if you’re eating with a close circle of friends or with your family members, you tend to take the time to chew, savor, and savor your food, which in turn helps with food portion control. This is because your slow eating helps your brain catch up with your stomach’s “feeling full” sooner.

Spend less time watching TV

The more you watch TV, the more you tend to eat. This has been shown in a study involving seventy-six undergraduate students. Reduce the amount of time you watch TV by at least one hour a day. You can use this time to go for a walk or clean your house. You will lose weight without much physical effort on your part.


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