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How to Handle a Pit Bull Attack (And Know Your Legal Rights)

Pit bull attacks (and dog attacks in general) can be a difficult subject to broach. Dogs are such an integral part of our society and are often considered a member of the family. Yet each year 4.7 million people are victims of dog attacks in the United States and routinely the pit bull is either number 1 or number 2 when it comes to the most responsible breeds. This is a trend that is not going to go away, and it is our responsibility to know how to defend ourselves and how to seek legal recourse.

Let’s start by talking about the idea of ​​self defense against a pit bull. These animals are intimidating and scary when not well trained, but by following some solid guidelines you can greatly increase your ability to handle the situation.

Phase 1 – Common sense and avoidance

It may seem obvious after reading some of these tips, but it’s worth repeating in case you find yourself in a “this couldn’t happen to me” mindset.

1. Know your location. What are your usual grounds? When you go for walks, are there any dogs on the road? Are there pit bulls? If you are in uncharted territory, have you taken any precautions about the possibility of an attack?

two. Evaluate dependents. Even if you know your location, you need to measure the probability of having someone with you. Having an adult with you can be helpful during a pit bull attack, but having a small child or dog can be problematic.

3. Know your physical capabilities. Are you in good shape, able to actively defend yourself? Whether you are or not, it will greatly change how you need to prepare for the possibility of an attack.

Four. Plan a Wide Bunk Strategy. If you regularly pass a house that has a pit bull, or even just see one on the street, try to avoid it. Dogs in general are very territorial and simply crossing to the opposite side of the road can downplay their aggressive nature.

Phase 2 – De-escalation

Even with good planning, incidents can be unavoidable. Here are some tips for turning a potentially bad situation into a no situation at all.

1. Show confidence and hide fear. As much as we rely on verbal communication as humans, Pit Bulls detect so much through their body’s tensions, scents, and gestures. If you tense up and give off a scary “smell,” they will pick up on it and might even be encouraged by it. Be cool, natural, and in command.

two. be careful with your hands. When around a pit bull or other aggressive dog, avoid large, quick hand movements. Also, if the dog is sniffing around your hands, hold them in a loose fist (this will take up space for easy nibbling).

3. don’t show your teeth. Even if you’re trying to be friendly and smiley, avoid showing your teeth. It’s a subtle psychological thing, but it can have a real effect.

Four. back slowly. Don’t turn and run. This is very important. The canine pursuit reflex is extremely dominant, especially for dogs that are trained to attack, as some pit bulls are.

5. Go dominant if passive trust fails. You should always try to remain calm and non-confrontational at first. However, if the situation continues to go wrong, try to assert yourself as a dominant figure. Yell common orders and become a stern person.

Stage 3 – Self Defense

Unfortunately, with pit bulls, psychology can only take you so far. These can be aggressive and unflinching animals and you may have to defend yourself. here are some good tactics.

1. Projectiles and Aerosols. The first tip is also the most effective. Pepper sprays are easily transported and can be sprayed into the eyes of an attacking dog. Also, while deadly, the effectiveness of using firearms is not in dispute. Just be aware of the possible legal recourse against you: make sure you’re not trespassing on someone’s property by using the gun and that you have the proper license.

two. Distancing tools. More common than pepper spray is something of a stick variety. By that I mean a cane, a cane, an umbrella, etc. These long objects can be used to push, balance and distract from a dog’s bite. Very valuable and easy to carry.

3. unarmed combat. It won’t be pretty, but there are unarmed options for handling a pit bull. When you hit the animal, aim for the nose, eyes, and ears. All of these are very sensitive and could help disorient the animal. In long-nosed dogs, you have the option of closing their mouths with your hands, but that’s a bit more difficult in pit bulls. If possible and necessary, dogs can be grabbed from behind and placed in a standard choke hold: one arm wrapped tightly under the neck and the other compressing the lock inward. a final method of attack is to grab the animal’s legs and pull them apart abruptly, breaking its knees.

Four. nonessential dicks. If things happen too fast for smart self-defense, try giving the animal a non-essential bite. Give out your non-dominant arm in hopes of using your good arm to hit weak spots.

5. playing dead. If you feel like you simply have no way of defending yourself against the animal, curl up in a fetal position and play dead. Try to protect his vital signs like his throat and hope that the pit bull will lose interest in non-combative prey.

legal Resource

Pit bull and dog attacks can be traumatic and deadly. it is important to know that you are not alone in trying to resolve the matter and seeking professional legal advice is strongly recommended.

But before you can hire a good attorney, here are some tips to prepare.

1. Try to secure witnesses to the dog bite event. Many dog ​​attacks occur in public or at the home of an acquaintance/relative. In public, you actually have better recourse because complete strangers at the event can vouch for you. In other situations, it becomes a scenario of my word against his word.

2. Try to talk to the owners about the situation, but be prepared for a complete denial of blame from the dog. Remember, people will treat your animal like a member of the family and protect it as such. However, it is important that you know the documentation of the dog and its rabies situation.

3. If you have the opportunity, take pictures of the injury. However, don’t waste time if you need immediate medical attention.

4. Get immediate medical attention. Bleeding, infection, scarring, or worse are all possibilities, so get to a hospital as soon as possible. This is also variable depending on the size of the lesion.

5. Secure good legal advice. If you’re not familiar with dog specialists in your area, use a service that can find one for you. Don’t settle for second-rate help or outrageous legal fees.


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