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How to get rid of cold sores in 2 days with an all-natural cold sore remedy

Whether you call them cold sores, oral herpes or feverish lip blisters, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that they are annoying and embarrassing!

They always appear at the most inconvenient time and take at least a week to heal, usually longer. Causes include certain stresses such as UV exposure, extremely high or low temperatures, and a weakened immune system.

I’m sure you’ve tried various cold sore remedies, but you’re obviously not satisfied with the results you’ve gotten so far if you’re reading this article. The most common remedy for cold sores is Abreva, which you can buy at your local pharmacy. Tried it and was not impressed. My lip fever blister lasted at least 8-10 days the last time I used Abreva to treat it.

How to get rid of cold sores quickly?

It’s called ozonated olive oil, which is basically olive oil that has had oxygen pumped into it over a period of weeks to months. The oil turns into a cream during this process.

I learned about this amazing cold sore remedy after reading a book called “Flood Your Body With Oxygen”, by Ed McCabe Oxygen Therapy Authority. In his book, he discusses the great healing powers of oxygen and how viruses, bacteria, and fungi really hate and die quickly in a highly oxygenated environment. You have probably never heard of oxygen therapies because the medical establishment prefers to sell drugs that they can patent and make a big profit. Nobody can patent olive oil and nobody can patent oxygen!

Ozonated Olive Oil is a wonderful, natural treatment for ANY type of skin inflammation I have, and it cleared my last fever blister in 2 amazing days! I was surprised and impressed, to say the least, when this oil literally eliminated all the other cold sore remedies that I had used in the past. Just apply it to your cold sore 3 times a day and watch it go away!

It is a terrible feeling when an important social event, such as a date, a job interview, or a wedding, etc., is approaching and a fever blister reappears. There is a much quicker solution, and the fastest of all the cold sore remedies I have tried is ozonated olive oil. You owe it to yourself to inform yourself about this.


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