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How runners can stay motivated

As much as we love to run, there will be times when we don’t feel like running at all. We become lazy and less motivated. Are you experiencing this right now? In the last few days, have you started to find excuses not to exercise and not to exercise? Well, let’s get over this problem right now.

Remember the reasons why you run

Whenever you feel less motivated, remind yourself of the reasons you started running in the first place. Write down these reasons, either to get healthier or to lose weight, on a piece of paper and keep it in a safe place. Any time you feel less motivated to run, read this document and use it as a tool to inspire yourself to get out there and run.

Always prepare your undercarriage the night before

If you’re a morning runner, get your running gear ready the night before. When you’re feeling less than motivated in the morning, the last thing you want to do is reach for your running gear. If you’ve placed your running clothes next to your bed before you go to sleep, you’re more likely to start wearing them for running.

Participate for an event

Participating in an event is a great motivation for a runner. It doesn’t have to be a distance running event, you can choose events that are less intimidating, like a 5.1K run. Sign up for an event, set up a training plan, and stick to it. You may want to choose an event that has a charity program. This will allow you to focus more because you want to help raise money for your favorite charity.

run with friends

There are runners who can run alone because they love solitude. However, others need friends to keep them motivated. You can find running buddies by joining a running group or by asking your friends who also like to exercise. Training with others can be fun and empowering, especially when everyone has the same goals.

Listen to music

Upbeat, upbeat music can be very motivating. Music can give color during your run so you don’t get bored easily. A little reminder, don’t put the music volume too high, especially when you are running in the streets for safety reasons. It’s best to incorporate music into your run when you’re running in a safe indoor environment, such as on a treadmill at a gym.


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