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How Long Do Air Conditioning Systems Typically Last?

Air Conditioning Systems Typically Last

If you’re a homeowner, chances are you’ve asked yourself how long do air conditioning systems typically last? In reality, there’s no one answer to this question because the lifespan of an HVAC system depends on a number of factors. For example, climate, usage patterns and maintenance habits can all impact a system’s life span. In other words, two identical AC units installed in different climates and used by different families can have radically different lifespans.

Age: The average life expectancy of an air conditioner is 15 years, but the unit may last longer if it’s well maintained. In general, air conditioning systems should be serviced twice a year to maximize the longevity of their performance. Refrigerant: If the refrigerant is old, it can cause your air conditioner to work less efficiently. To avoid this, it’s important to replace your AC with a newer, more efficient refrigerant.

Heat Pumps: Like furnaces, heat pumps can last 20 to 30 years with proper maintenance. A properly sized and insulated home can help a heat pump last even longer by keeping the indoor temperature at a more comfortable level. Ductless Mini-Splits: If your home doesn’t have ductwork, or you want to reduce the amount of ductwork you need in your home, a ductless mini-split can provide both heating and cooling. They have a typical life span of 10 to 30 years, depending on where you live.

How Long Do Air Conditioning Systems Typically Last?

Replacement: If you notice signs that your AC is nearing the end of its life, it’s time to consider replacing the unit. A newer, more energy-efficient unit can save you money on your monthly utility bill while still providing you with the comfort you need in your home.

Investing in a high-quality and reliable air conditioning system can also save you money on your energy bills by reducing the wear and tear caused by clogged filters, dirty coils and aging air filter elements. This will also improve your indoor air quality and help keep your family healthy by avoiding cold drafts, dust, pollen and other allergens.

It’s a good idea to have your system regularly checked and cleaned by a licensed technician. In addition to ensuring your air conditioner is working at optimal efficiency, this will also extend its lifespan by preventing damage to the unit’s internal components.

A professional air conditioning service can help you determine whether your system is ready to be replaced, and can recommend a newer, more cost-effective model that’s right for you. This decision can be made easier if you have a budget in mind and a qualified HVAC technician can explain all your options.

Maintaining the Outdoor Unit: The quality of your outdoor unit can significantly affect how long your air conditioner will last. Dirty, damaged and rusty outdoor units are much more likely to break down than clean ones. To keep your air conditioner running as smoothly as possible, clean the outdoor unit frequently by sweeping away any debris and removing any leaves or mulch that may be blocking the intake of fresh air.


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