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How am I going to write 100 articles in 100 days?

I promise to write 100 articles in 100 days. The main reason I undertake this writing marathon is to train myself on how to write as efficiently as possible.

I’m already a “comfortable” writer. I have written 38 books that have sold more than 1.6 million copies worldwide. I blog daily and have multiple websites with 600+ pages of content. But, I want to take my writing to the next level. I want to increase my writing efficiently, so that I can write more in less time.

Another reason I’m taking on this challenge is that I want to create more “written equity.” I want to build a large inventory of content ideas for future projects. Every time I write an article, I also get a head start on future projects like blogs, newsletters, tips, and talking points. Each article also creates the core of future topics for me. Published and Profitable and Design to sell online blogs and websites.

These are some of the steps I have taken to achieve my goal:

  • Commitment and disclosure. I have not only committed to writing 100 articles in 100 days, but also I shared my commitment with others through me Published and Profitable blog and in my Twitter posts. Sharing my commitment with others is an important step. I now have others following my progress. I don’t want to disappoint them. My public commitment reinforces my determination to write 100 articles in 100 days.
  • Issue. I have chosen an “umbrella” concept for my 100 articles. My articles will address the most common questions authors and my coaching clients have about writing a book. Most titles will be phrased as questions. The titles of the questions will attract the curiosity of the reader. Equally important, writing my articles as answers to questions encourages a concise, first-person tone. It also allows me to frequently use bulleted and numbered lists in my responses.
  • Titles and main ideas. I’ve also identified the titles of my first 25 articles and started to identify the top 3-4 points I want to include in each article. I have used a mind map to display my titles. By selecting titles and identifying main points ahead of time, I start writing each article to a head start. I have found that writing articles is easy once I have a clear idea of ​​what I want to achieve in each article and the main ideas I want to share. I’ve also arranged my titles in order of priority, so when I sit down to write, I know what I’m writing about.
  • Structure. Each article will begin with a relevance statement, that is, a one-paragraph description of why readers should be interested in the content of each article. This will be followed by the 3 or 4 main ideas. Each of the main ideas will be described in two or three paragraphs. I’ll conclude the articles with resources that point the way for readers to apply the idea or describe where to go for more information.
  • Configuration and monitoring. I have configured my computer for maximum writing efficiency. I have created a separate folder for all files associated with this project. I have also created an alphanumeric protocol for file names that will help me track my progress. My first article’s file name starts with 01. My second article’s file name starts with 02, and so on. As a result, my article archives appear in alphabetical order in my article folder. Every time I add a newly written article, I’ll enjoy a sense of progress and satisfaction as the list grows and I see how much I’ve accomplished.

The origins of writing success

My goal is to improve my writing efficiency by creating a system for writing 100 articles in 100 days.

Writing is often seen in abstract terms like “creativity” and “inspiration.”

I disagree. For me writing is a learned habitone that can be mastered by anyone willing to take the time to learn what it takes to be successful and willing to master the skills through constant practice.


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