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Games for your child’s birthday party

There are some really fun games you can play at birthday parties that even adults can get involved in. Why not feel young again and have a fun night with your friends and your child’s friends by organizing a few different games that everyone can participate in and enjoy?

Some entertainment party games


This ancient tradition is said to bring luck to whoever manages to break it with a wooden stick. Nowadays, this has also been adopted to suit children by having them in various forms such as cartoon characters like Shrek, car characters, tinkerbell, etc. The children have a lot of fun trying to break the piñata. It helps to have the piñata filled with sweets and sweets and small gifts so that all the children will always remember it.

musical chairs

This ancient game is one of the most fun games you can play. If there are too many of you, then it’s even more fun. You can split into groups and then race around the chairs to get to the bottom 2 and then the final winner.

Treasure hunt

This is an especially great game if you’re planning a pirate-themed birthday party. All the children will go crazy looking for the clues and trying to find the treasure at the end of the test. This will definitely take a good 45 minutes to an hour, so you don’t have to worry too much about entertaining the kids.

bob the apple

This is a simple game that will get every kid wet, so be prepared! You will need a barrel of water and an apple, the apple must be placed in the barrel, and the apple must be lifted with your mouth without touching it with your hands.

four corners

Put the pillars of your home to good use, make them different cities. Play some music and call out the name of the town, all the kids under that pillar are safe and the rest are outside. Keep playing this game until there are two kids left and declare a winner! It is a game full of fun and excitement. Something that all children will love!

If you are looking for a quality supplier of birthday party decorations and supplies, then you might consider ordering them from Let’s Get This Party Started. Click here for more information http://www.thispartystarted.com.au.


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