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Dreams of dying – Dreams that warn of a possible death

What does it mean to dream of death?

Dreams about a death are usually not about the end of a life. In many cases, they are actually a communication about a major change within you or in your life.

For example, if you are going through a divorce, your identity changes from being a married person to being a single person. A dream about death in this case is a symbol of the “end” of your married self.

A “death” dream can symbolize transitions, such as the transformation of a limiting belief, a quantum leap in growth, a rite of passage, the end of a cycle, a change in identity, etc.

Dreams that predict a ‘possible’ death

A dream about the imminent death of a loved one could be a real prediction. But sometimes a dream about death is a call for help to avoid a death, yours or someone else’s. This type of dream can be a warning to you about the state of your health. You may be given a warning because the person in your dream needs your immediate help to stay alive. A person, or pet, may have a life-threatening condition that they haven’t been aware of. They may not be aware that their life force energy is declining. In such cases, a warning dream may allow you to be instrumental in saving a life.

A person may not really want to die, but may be so depressed and hopeless that they give up on life. If you have a dream about someone in this situation, it is a direct call for help. The spirit sends that dream because you may be able to come to that person’s aid in some way, no matter how insignificant it may seem. Making a phone call or visiting a person with a self-destructive or suicidal mindset may be exactly what that person needs to prevent death.

For example, a woman told me her story about how she put a gun to her head on her birthday, ready to pull the trigger. A lonely elderly neighbor suddenly called and said, “I had a dream about you last night and remembered that today is your birthday. Please come for a piece of cake.” That turned out to be a life-saving action.

Dreams that predict imminent death

A certain percentage of dreams are a real warning of impending death. What could be the reason for having a dream that predicts the death of a family member, friend or pet? Most people tell me that they don’t like to know those things ahead of time.

These can be considered as preparation dreams. They come to alert and prepare the dreamer for the upcoming death of a loved one. When you have a dream of this nature, you have been given a gift. You are informed about the loss; And by knowing in advance that a loved one is about to die, you can help other family members be prepared.

The spirit may be calling on you to assist the dying person in their transition to the other side. There are powerful ways to help someone die peacefully. You can talk directly to the person and be intuitive when talking about the rewards of the afterlife. Spirit will help you help another in this difficult time.

You can also help a departing loved one by praying or meditating on that person and sending them thoughts of peace and love. This can be done effectively in a visualization technique I call: “Sending the Light of Love”.


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