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Dream Interpretation: Spiders in dreams – an example of synchronicity

A spider in a dream represents a hidden danger that the dreamer cannot see. He or she is not doing something that cannot be postponed and must be done immediately for your own safety or for the safety of his or her reputation.

No matter how big the spider is, it will be the size of the hazard. If you see a small spider, the danger you are not seeing is not that dangerous. However, if you see a large spider in a dream, this means that you are in great danger, and if you do not do something drastic to save your life or your reputation, you will go through a lot of suffering, and much regret that you did not do something to prevent so much pain, or so much trouble.

If you see many spiders in a dream, this means that there are many very important actions that you need to take, otherwise you will find yourself in sad situations.

You may be making a serious mistake, not paying attention to what you are doing. Or, you could be ignoring a serious obligation, something that is essential to your good reputation as a responsible human being.

I once saw in a dream a black spider that was big enough to be considered an insect, but it wasn’t that big, compared to the biggest size a spider can get. When I woke up I saw in my room a spider the same size as the one in my dream. I was in Brazil, at a friend’s house in Sao Paulo. These houses so close to the street tend to attract many large and strange insects.

When there is a match between the dream you saw and what happens to you in your waking life, this means that you are observing the phenomenon of synchronicity, as defined by Carl Jung.

There was something very important that he wasn’t doing, something that could be very bad, especially since the spider was so black. The black color indicates acceptance of the bad. So, the black spider represents the acceptance of inertia, instead of taking action and doing something that is essential.

At first I couldn’t figure out what I wasn’t doing… but then I realized my mistake. She had visited the father of an orphaned teenager, who had married a second wife and abandoned his two children with his first wife, who had died. He lived in another city near Sao Paulo (Valinhos) and I had to go there, talk to him and his new wife.

Yet they didn’t care about this poor teenager who felt rejected, and nothing was done. So I asked her godmother to pay for her treatment with a psychologist, since I understood that she had serious psychological problems. She agreed, and I thought everything was settled, feeling grateful that at least her godmother cared for this abandoned teenager, who lived with her grandmother.

However, I had forgotten to convince the adolescent to agree to undergo treatment with a psychologist… This was also essential, because he resisted. I talked to him for a while and he finally agreed to psychotherapy. If I had traveled back to Greece without convincing him, I would not have helped him in any way, after all my efforts.

Fortunately, the warning I had with the spider in my dream, and the confirmation of the importance of this symbol with the appearance of a real spider in my bedroom (synchronicity) prevented me from being so foolish and leaving without completing my mission.


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