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Domestic dangers for a cat

There are many items in a home that can cause serious illness in a cat. It has a curious character and leaving certain things accessible can cause serious problems. The data has been recently reported by the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center in Urbana, IL.

The number one item has been human medication. Prescription or over-the-counter medications can cause a problem. A cat will generally consume all the pills it finds lying around. An overdose of these pills can cause serious problems for a human, so imagine what it can do to a cat.

Insecticides and rodenticides, if not applied or placed correctly, can put a cat at risk. There has been a lot of publicity about flea and tick control. Make sure you use the right product for a cat.

There are certain human foods like grapes, raisins, avocado, and certain citrus fruits that can harm a cat. One of the most dangerous foods is chocolate. Chocolate contains methylaxanthines which can make you very sick.

Misused veterinary drugs will make a cat sick. Understanding what the medication is and the dosage is very important. If you are not sure, consult a veterinarian.

Another problem is indoor plants. Azalea, rhododendron, sago palm, kalanchoe lily, schefflera, and poinsettia, to name a few of the many plants that can make a cat sick. Try to keep the plants in places that you have a hard time getting to. Artificial plants are another solution.

Chemicals are just as dangerous to a cat as they are to a human. Household cleaning products are also toxic substances. Heavy metals like zinc, lead, and mercury can cause you serious problems. Prevention is the best solution to ensure that these types of items are not lying around. A cat likes to chew on things. If it is not a cat toy, it could contain substances that are harmful to the cat.

If a cat becomes ill and one of the items listed above is suspected to be the cause, try to identify the item and call a veterinarian. Many homeowners aren’t home during the day, so it’s important to cat-proof your home.


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