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Diabetes: 5 tips to control the sugar level

Are you one of the many diabetics who have trouble controlling blood sugar? Is your doctor not happy with your A1C readings no matter what you do?

Chances are the situation is not as dire as it seems. With enough information and motivation, every type II diabetic can bring their results in line with current recommendations.

Here are 5 practical tips to control sugar.

1. Adjust to reality. Patients often tell their doctors that they are taking their medications as prescribed when, in fact, they are not. None of us likes to be scolded by a father figure. But who are you kidding, your doctor or yourself? Instead of seeing your doctor as an authority figure, think of him as a partner or advisor in your health care. If your doctor has prescribed a medication that he doesn’t intend to take, talk about it so the two of you can find a better solution. If you can never remember your evening insulin dose, discuss a realistic dosing schedule with your doctor, who may switch you to a different type of insulin or combine it with an oral medication. If it is too difficult for you to inject yourself, find a way to have someone else give it to you. If your pills cause side effects, ask your doctor to switch you to another one instead of just not taking them. If you can’t afford your medicine, ask your doctor to switch to something more affordable or join a patient assistance program.

2. Learn about the glycemic index. Many diabetics believe that sugar is the only food they should avoid. This is far from the truth. Other carbohydrates raise blood glucose levels as fast and as high as sugar itself. Even the glycemic index is not the final answer; also find out about the glycemic load. While melon and croissants may have similar glycemic index lists, it’s much easier to gorge on croissants than melon. Total calories consumed are at least as important as the glycemic index of a particular food.

3. Just eat less. If educating yourself on the glycemic index and glycemic load is too difficult, simply eat less. Eat less of everything and your blood sugar level will surely improve. If you have a Big Mac and large fries for lunch, cut back to a cheeseburger and small fries; It’s not the healthiest diet, but it’s still an improvement. If you normally have seconds for dinner, stop after your first serving. Most diabetics became this way through a long-established pattern of overeating. Cut a third of your calories and watch your levels improve. Discuss this approach with your doctor first, in case your medication needs to be adjusted. You also don’t want to risk low blood sugar.

4. Switch to insulin. Most diabetics are afraid of the needle. But nowadays the needles are so small that you hardly feel them. With so many oral medications available, patients often take 2 or 3 different types to delay starting insulin. This becomes expensive and the dosage schedule can be complicated. Often, it’s easier to bite the bullet and switch to insulin. There are so many different types available that your doctor should be able to find one that is right for your needs. Enroll in a diabetic class to learn everything you need to know about insulin injections and blood sugar control.

5. Find out why your blood sugar level is too high. Does it only work high in the morning? Only after breakfast? Before dinner? Although checking your blood sugar several times a day is a pain, doing it for short periods should reveal which pattern of hyperglycemia worries you the most. Another approach is to check your fasting blood sugar daily and again later in the day, but at different times. By recording the information on a graph or flowchart, your doctor can examine it for patterns and adjust the timing or dose of your medication accordingly.

It’s really up to you how well you control your blood sugar. Don’t fool yourself by avoiding the need to act. Partner with your doctor and take control of your health care today.

Copyright 2010 Cynthia J. Koelker, MD


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