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car modifications

Car enthusiasts across the country have created a legacy that has persisted for decades, much of it having to do with customizing and personalizing a given car. For these car owners, factory specs are rarely enough to make a car fast enough, flashy enough, or handle as good as it should. As a result, aftermarket specialty parts and modifications have become popular additions to motor vehicles, refinishing a particular car closer to the owner’s taste.

While these modifications have established a reputation among enthusiasts, less-informed drivers need to worry about changes made to basic safety features or complications that may arise from using these parts. In addition to safety concerns, drivers may not understand whether or not these mods are protected by law, especially considering how different laws can vary by jurisdiction.

Perhaps one of the most obvious and widespread modifications on the road includes the range of various spoilers installed by car owners. Although these can have an effect on the car’s performance, especially at high speeds or in more demanding situations, they are most commonly used to enhance the vehicle’s appearance.

On the other hand, an owner may decide to install new parts directly into a car’s major systems, including more responsive brakes, better tires, or more aggressive engine mods. These may violate local laws regarding emissions or specification standards. Also, if a mechanic fails to properly install these parts or if the third-party manufacturer hasn’t properly inspected them, the result can be disastrous.

There is a big difference between safe updates and reckless, illegal mods. To learn more about how these changes to a motor vehicle can affect a car accident claim, contact a car accident attorney today.


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