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Animals = Zen Masters?

My chiropractor, Tony, and I had a great discussion this week about the nature of the relationship between animals and humans. He shows dogs and is passionate about the animal-human connection, and makes chiropractic adjustments to both dogs and their owners at the dog shows he attends. He said that dogs and humans mimic each other in their physical problems, so if the human limps a bit on his right leg, the dog will do the same. Tony said it affects the performance of the dogs in the show; the dog will be marked for poor gait if it imitates the gait of the owner, so his conclusion is that improving the condition of the human being will improve the gait of the dog. I have seen the same with horses and humans, where the human will have a weak side that mimics the weak side of the horse. What sacrifice the animal makes, to show its human that he has a physical problem that needs to be corrected.

So it’s pretty easy to see how physically animals mimic their humans, depending on how much time they spend together and how close they really are. What about emotional problems? Do animals adopt human characteristics and empathize with the pain of humans, do they heal the human? I think so. We can all think of examples of pets and how they resemble human attitudes.

My friend Mark has the opinion that all animals are ascended masters. These teachers no longer have the need to incarnate in a body, they are fully enlightened beings, and these beings have chosen to come into our life in animal form, because being an animal and renouncing free will is their place of maximum service, they are here to help humans evolve on their way. I agree with Mark. All animals, whether wild or domesticated, are here to work in concert with humans and the earth. For me, this concept offers a completely new way of looking at animals and accepting their place in the world. It helps me understand why animals come to be with us here on Earth.

Tony and I also discussed the fact that animals accept a chiropractic adjustment more easily than humans, and how this is due to the fact that animals have less ego structure and will return to their natural way of being whole and healthy more easily. . than humans. If only we could imitate our pets and use less ego … what a great thing!

Perhaps our pets are showing us what to do with our ego and free will, essentially getting rid of it and following our intuition and spiritual guidance, exclusively. What do you think about this?


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