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Abdominal Machine Buying Guide

Abdominal trainers are extremely popular among home gym addicts; They’re also the go-to for TV infomercials, making shopping for a quality ab machine a very confusing experience. Well let me try to simplify it for you.

There are definitely some good quality ab machines on the market today at reasonable prices. The trick is to filter out the effective machines from those that make false promises of making a quick buck. There are a few basic things to look for in an ab machine that will ensure that you are buying effective equipment.


If you’re looking for an ab machine that only offers forward bending, you should probably look elsewhere for an ab trainer that will produce results. Your abdominal region is made up of four main areas that you need to work on in order to have a strong and well-developed midsection; the upper abdominals, the lower abdominals, the obliques, and the intercostals.

To target all of these areas, you need a machine that offers forward and lateral movement.

2. Adjustability

A quality ab trainer will offer at least a couple of fit options so you can be sure it will fit your frame. There’s nothing worse than trying to perform a crunch movement on a machine that’s too big for you; you may even risk injuring yourself if you try to train on a machine that doesn’t fit your complexion.

“Make sure the ab machine you choose to buy fits your needs or provides some adjustment options.”

3. Comfort

This goes hand in hand with adjustability. Chances are if you’re shopping for an ab machine in the first place, it’s because you think regular crunches and traditional ab exercises are uncomfortable or ineffective.

So when you buy a machine, make sure you don’t have the same complaints. If you’re going to be uncomfortable doing an ab workout, you can also do it for free and stick to abs.

If not, buy a quality machine that won’t stress your neck and back and effectively targets the right muscles.

4. Avoid the hype

Many infomercials promoting ab trainers will have you believe that you can get a six pack in just minutes a day, regardless of what your diet looks like. That!? Okay guys, if you’re buying that statement, it’s time for a little reality check.

The first thing you need to know is that eating a clean diet and getting regular cardio is about 85% of the formula for developing a six pack abdominal region. The other 15% is actual abdominal training. Therefore, any product that claims results without diet or exercise should be avoided.

The next thing to understand about ab trainers is that you don’t need machines at all. You certainly don’t need to invest large amounts of hard-earned money in an ab machine. In fact, your abdominal equipment should probably be the least expensive area of ​​your entire home gym.

If you choose to buy one, it should be to add a bit of variety to your ab routine.

Machines won’t give you more benefits than doing bodyweight exercises like crunches, planks, and leg raises. However, if you’re more inclined to use a machine than do the exercises mentioned above, by all means get the machine.

In the muscle building scheme, the core region is the most important area to focus on. Without a strong core (which also includes your lower back muscles), you’re more likely to suffer from chronic back pain.

You also need a strong core to build the rest of your muscles, as there’s nothing we do in a day or workout that doesn’t require some degree of core strength.


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