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SMS is taking over the phone call

Studies show that the youth of these days will make the classic phone call disappear. It has been proven that most teens will prefer to send an SMS (short message system) rather than make a phone call.

The reasons may be one or more of the following.

During a normal phone call, the discussion takes place live and responses will need to come immediately to appear determined.

Usually there are conversations in which some feelings need to be hidden or repressed, because the voice and its tonality can easily express a person’s emotions.

With adolescents, hiding emotions is in many cases very important because a large part of them want to appear more serious and more self-confident than they really are. In a message, the voice and intonation just disappear and all the recipient sees are the words. In addition, the sender had the opportunity to take the time to choose the right words. In this way, any sender can ensure that the message expresses exactly what he or she initially wanted.

Another reason would be the fact that they seem to have more courage when using SMS or IM (instant messaging) than they did on personal computers. Instant messaging is considered a great way to communicate among young people and even the mobile phone market has changed due to this trend.

Any smartphone has the ability to display sent and received sms in a “conversation” style, just like instant messaging platforms. Phones have received physical or virtual QWERTY-style keyboards on touchscreen smartphones. Everything is configured to meet the need to send messages faster and easier than before.

Mobile phone companies are simply adapting to the needs and requirements of a typical customer. There are many teenagers who will send more than 3000 short messages in a single month and this can be a problem when the bill comes because contracts with unlimited sms are rare and most of them would pay taxes for at least half of them.

However, the Internet is always there to help and the solution to this problem is found in the “Send SMS free” sites. There are websites that offer the opportunity to send free text messages to any phone number. The best advantage of these types of sites is the fact that many of them allow international messages and those messages usually cost more if they are sent from a normal SIM card. The benefits of these sites are never limited and anyone can use them, they are made as useful tools just to make everything easier for people. Whenever a person needs it, websites like this will always be there and will always be trustworthy. Anyone can send tax-free international messages to any phone number quickly and easily.


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