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The Power of Beliefs: Do Our Beliefs Define How We Experience Life?

If someone was asked that the way they experience life is largely a result of what they believe, they might totally agree with this. This could be something that, to one degree or another, they have been aware of for quite some time.

On the other hand, they might end up dismissing what has been said and questioning how their life has anything to do with what they believe. As far as they are concerned, what happens ‘out there’ and what they experience may have very little to do with them.

a passive observer

So one will simply observe what is going on around him and what is going on in his life will be mostly out of his control. If asked to explain why they experience things, they might say that it is usually the result of “good luck” and “bad luck,” or “good karma” or “bad karma.”

Therefore, someone or something ‘out there’ will play a major role in what happens or doesn’t happen to them. Also, unconsciously, if not consciously, they may believe that if they behave in a certain way, “good” things will happen to them.

random world

If they work for someone who mistreats them, then they are out of luck, but if they win money in the lottery, they are out of luck. Or, if they are not very successful, they will be unlucky, but if they have good friends, they will be lucky.

In each of these examples, as well as others, one will not have much of an effect on what is happening. At the same time, there could be certain areas of your life that you believe are under your control, or at least, over which you have more control.

a natural result

So if one doesn’t experience much good luck, it won’t be a surprise if they have what is often described as a “victim mentality.” But, if bad things happen to them and there’s nothing they can do about it, how else would they be?

To expect anything different would be to expect that night would not follow day; It would be totally irrational. To make matters worse, both the people in your life and the society they live in may also validate your view of themselves as victims.

a reward

Not having the ability to change your life directly, you will need to rely on an indirect way to change your life. By being a victim, you can allow them to experience control.

Other people, feeling sorry for them, may end up giving them things and doing things for them that they themselves cannot do. Being powerless, as frustrating as it may be, will give them a sense of control.

Going deeper, much deeper

Now, while one sees oneself as nothing more than a passive observer of what is happening ‘out there’, what if this is nothing more than an illusion? What if this is the result of being too attached to your ego-mind and getting caught up in what your eyes are telling you?

What if your beliefs define what you do and don’t experience? This would mean that one is not simply a passive observer of their reality; they are both the co-creator and the observer of your life.


One way of looking at it would be to imagine that they made the decision to visit a messy, hostile and even dangerous town. However, even though they made this decision, they forget about this decision once they were there.

Consequently, even though they chose to have this experience, it was as if what was happening had nothing to do with them and as if they were being punished for no reason. Naturally, during their time there, they would feel angry, frustrated, and powerless.

it seems so real

The problem is that while what they see comes from them, or from their own consciousness to be more specific, their ego-mind and their eyes will make it extremely difficult for them to realize this. According to these parts of themselves, what they see will be separate from them and therefore have nothing to do with them.

What will further strengthen this vision will be the thoughts and feelings that you experience. These two elements will be what will bring your experiences to life and make them ‘real’.

Backing up, Right Back

However, if one were to take a step back from what is happening ‘out there’ and look deeper into oneself, one would probably soon discover that one’s external reality reflects what one believes. So while it may have seemed like things just happen to you, your mind, through the law of resonance, is actually attracting situations and circumstances that reflect what you believe.

Along with this, it will also cause them to interpret situations and circumstances in a way that will be aligned with what they believe. What this means is that even if something doesn’t really reflect what they believe, they will see it in a way that it does.

For example

So one can have a ‘negative’ experience and this experience can result in them experiencing ‘negative’ feelings. At this point, they may feel angry and powerless and/or feel like a victim.

In reality, this experience will have been a manifestation of what you believe. Your mind would have co-created this experience and this would have allowed you to experience feelings that you already had within you.

Two levels

Consciously, one could say that this is not true, and on a conscious level, they could spend a fair amount of time focusing on good things. However, on a deeper level, your unconscious mind will be searching for what it believes to be true.

This is why it will be normal for one to believe that what is happening has nothing to do with them. However, by pulling back the curtain, so to speak, and connecting with your other mind, you will be able to understand why you experience the same things over and over again.

shining light

When it comes to what one believes, it can be related to what they have learned from society, their time in school, what their parents passed on to them, and the meaning they gave to what happened during their early years. What can fuel many of your beliefs is unprocessed emotional pain.

Ergo, once you have begun to process the emotional pain that is within your body, you may find that many of your beliefs begin to fade. Furthermore, simply bringing a belief into the light of consciousness can cause it to be seen for what it is: a belief and not the truth.


If one can relate to this and is ready to change their life, they may need to seek outside support. This is something that can be provided with the help of a therapist or healer.


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