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26 reasons why you should stop watching porn / masturbating

Porn may have been the best thing he discovered when he was 12 and found a Playboy under his father’s bed, but can it be true that pornography is actually negatively affecting him now? Porn and masturbation have had their time and place, but now I’ll give you reasons why they need to go.

1. Porn / masturbation drains your energy.

After you ejaculate, you lose many vitamins, including vitamin C, calcium, chlorine, cholesterol, citric acid, creatine, fructose, lactic acid, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, vitamin B12, and zinc. When you masturbate frequently, you can use too much of these sources and make you feel drained.

2. Giving up porn / masturbation can make you stronger.

When you don’t masturbate frequently, the vitamins you retain in your body can give you a feeling of strength and well-being.

3. Pornography / masturbation can cause erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation.

According to addiction. com, too much porn can reconnect your body to primarily react to porn, so when you have a real partner in front of you, your body won’t react like it’s supposed to.

4. Porn can make your brain desensitized to real sex.

As noted in the example above, porn can confuse your brain and make you not enjoy real sex as much.

5. Porn / masturbation can kill your motivation.

Too much porn / masturbation can lead to feelings of tiredness and lack of motivation. When you’re addicted to porn and ejaculation, it sometimes kills the motivation to go out there and fight for the things you really want.

6. Porn / masturbation can make you addicted to “instant gratification.”

Pornography / masturbation, like many other habits in life, are a form of instant gratification. If you develop the habit of frequent porn / masturbation, you are 3 times more likely to eat unhealthy and stay up later watching TV, which can lead to very unhealthy habits.

7. Pornography / masturbation can take us away from other incredible experiences.

Porn and masturbation can leave you thinking about sex all the time, even at unwanted moments. Instead of enjoying a nice sunset or dinner, your mind may be flooded with sexual thoughts, preventing you from fully enjoying the moment you are trying to experience.

8. Porn or masturbation can make you creepy.

With so many varieties of porn today, porn viewers are bound to see things that normally never happen in healthy sexual encounters. When you see material like this, it is subconsciously planted in your brain and you think about it throughout the day. When you think about sex so much, it can affect the way you interact and can even make you look creepy.

9. Pornography / masturbation can make you appear lifeless.

According to reports from a group of people who decided to quit porn and masturbation on reddit.com/r/nofap, users report that when they quit porn / masturbation they noticed more color in their eyes, dark spots around the eyes than disappeared, more color in your skin, and even reduction / elimination of acne.

10. Pornography / masturbation lowers testosterone.

According to an article in Browse. com testosterone levels were higher when abstaining for 3 weeks compared to ejaculating regularly.

11. Giving up porn or masturbation can boost your energy.

Anyone looking for why you have no energy but can’t seem to find a cure, try staying abstinent for a month. People who abstain report significantly higher energy levels when they quit porn / masturbation.

12. Giving up pornography or masturbation can get you a girlfriend or boyfriend.

If you decide not to ejaculate from porn / masturbation, your body will start looking for other ways to satisfy its desire, be it through wet dreams or looking for a mutual partner. People who quit porn / masturbation report that the opposite sex notices them more.

13. Giving up porn or masturbation can make you more productive.

With the new energy of quitting smoking, people have reported using their time to start more productive ventures.

14. Giving up porn / masturbation can save your marriage.

If you are married and decided to give up porn and masturbation, getting rid of other sources of sexual pleasure usually leads to paying more attention to your partner. Reddit.com/r/nofap users have reported that quitting porn / masturbation has “saved their marriage.”

15. Giving up porn or masturbation can make you more self-disciplined.

Quitting this habit requires self-control, and when you quit, you may find that you have self-discipline in other areas as well.

16. Giving up porn / masturbation can make you different from any other boy / girl.

They say that about 95% of men masturbate regularly, and when you quit smoking, it can give you a mental and physical “advantage” over other men or women.

17. Pornography / masturbation can cause anxiety / social depression.

Abstainers have reported that after quitting porn / masturbation, their social anxiety and / or depression greatly reduced or disappeared. The science behind this is unclear, but it may be due to unconscious social fears of feeling like you’re hiding something.

18. Quitting porn / masturbation frees up your time.

When you give up porn or masturbation, you will have more free time to dedicate yourself to other endeavors.

19. Giving up porn / masturbation can make you feel better spiritually (if you like that)

In many religions, sexual immorality or pornography is considered a sin, and leaving them will lead you to feel closer to your spiritual goals.

20. Pornography / masturbation can give you an unrealistic view of how women want to be treated.

Many times the consumption of pornography begins at a young age, and before learning to truly interact with other women, instead, they are being trained by videos of pornography where the women are clearly abused. Children can grow up believing that women should be treated as sex objects rather than people.

21. Giving up porn / masturbation has led to feelings of fulfillment.

Abstainers report that they feel more complete as a person when they quit pornography or masturbation.

22. Quitting porn / masturbation can improve your sex life.

After quitting porn / masturbation, your sex life can improve by being more present with your partner.

23. Giving up pornography or masturbation can make you more enjoyable.

People who have given up porn / masturbation report that they are more sociable and that others come and socialize with them more often than when they used porn / masturbation.

24. Quitting porn / masturbation can give you more confidence.

Without the feeling of hiding anything sexually and the buildup of extra protein / vitamins in their body, people have reported feeling more confident after quitting porn and masturbation.

25. Giving up porn or masturbation can make you feel more.

Others who have quit porn / masturbation report feeling more emotions after quitting smoking.

26. Pornography / masturbation can disrupt your reward circuit.

Porn and masturbation can disrupt your reward circuitry, teaching your brain that sex is just a click away.

These are just some of the effects of porn / masturbation.


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