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Game Console Reviews – Xbox 360 Slim – Benefits Pros and Cons and Get One Free

So you have heard about the extraordinary Xbox 360 Slim and its exceptional reviews and a good price. The new Xbox 360 is here today and will NOT go away tomorrow with a whole new look. This game console has…

The case to buy the iPhone 6

If you’re the power user type who goes out and buys the latest flagship phone every year, you might be thinking about buying Apple’s new iPhone 6 Plus. However, before doing so, it is a good idea to give some…

History of the symbolic dragon cross tattoo

The dragon cross tattoo has long held a place in Celtic history ever since the Vikings introduced the mythological creature to the Celts. Celtic dragons often take the form of sea serpents with wings, but without legs. Celtic Dragon cross…

5 video games you must play before you die

5.) Halo 3 (2007) Why: The Halo series is unique. Gathered friends to blast each other in epic space combat. Halo 3 is perhaps the best of the series when it comes to glorified multiplayer, with a dramatic story with…

Interesting animals that roamed the earth before humans

The first indisputable signs of life began nearly 3.4 billion years ago, and since then life has dramatically evolved in ways and factors unlike anything we see on earth today. From giant land scorpions to extinct crocodiles the length of…

Climbing Quandry Peak in spectacular Colorado

After scrolling through my Instagram account a couple of months ago, seeing spectacular photo after photo of the magnificence that is the state of Colorado, I decided that I had to witness it with my own eyes. I booked a…

Batman Arkham City review

How do you improve an already awesome game formula? Ultimately, Rocksteady Games has been successful with the arrival of Batman Arkham City. The Arkham story begins a couple of months after the Batman Asylum plot closes. The now leader of…

Ultimate WAR Online Disciple of Khaine Guide – Hints and Tips on Warhammer Online Khaine Guides

Disciple of Khaine is one of the few races specifically included in the Warhammer Online game and is difficult to find anywhere in the Warhammer Universe. They are the career that is included in the armies of Dark Elves with…

Bane of the Dwarves (Eldritch & Eerie Poetry)

Throughout the Seventh Hell, a hypermorbid -Natural habitat, human remains live with a slow plant life, sharing each other’s parts in sub-animal thought and activity: with seagull and audacity in a heap of anomalous horticulture of vileness and iniquities. All…

3 Great Gold Farming Locations in WinterSpring for World of Warcraft

Once you’ve got a character of high enough level, head to Winterspring in search of a bunch of great potential spots to farm your gold. 1. Lake Kel’Theril (53.42) is a frozen lake in the center of Winterspring. The shores…