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Month: April 2022

toy trains vs. Model Trains – What’s the Difference?

For people who aren’t into the model railway hobby, there really is no difference between “toy” trains and “model” trains. After all, both of these hobbies involve little trains controlled by some sort of power pack. However, there is a…

A healthy diet for a flat stomach

Belly fat is often seen as a reflection of poor eating habits and lack of exercise. However, there is always hope that you can reverse the fat by following a healthy flat belly diet. The most important part of a…

Ramaiya – Company Law Guide (with a comprehensive analysis of SEBI guidelines)

There are few books that have made history in their respective fields and have developed an unusual longing for them among their readers. This encyclopedic work of RAMAIYA’S is undoubtedly one in the field of Company Law. Each edition of…

Using smoothies and juices for a healthy diet and weight loss

With millions of people in the world suffering from life-threatening diseases such as type II diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease, etc., finding ways to prevent these diseases is becoming more and more important. Based on extensive clinical…

Looking for a pet: consider a rabbit

They can be cute and cuddly. They can be as playful as a puppy or kitten, but they are also curious and mischievous and love to chew. If your kids leave clothes on the floor, if you have tassels and…

Real Estate Investing – How to Use Postcards and Letters to Raise Private Money

Let me guess, is your real estate business in trouble? It’s no surprise…in fact, most industries in the United States are reporting significant losses for 2008 and worse is expected in 2009. The mortgage industry in particular is struggling because…

You’ve Heard The Name Droid – Now Learn What Android Is

Android, also known as Droid, is a state-of-the-art mobile phone operating system. The OS has been developed by Google and is currently the most widespread operating system for smartphones in the world, used by more than 33% of the market….

Tim Tebow: The Most Interesting Man in the World

Jonathon Goldsmith plays the most interesting man in the world in a very popular television commercial. He possesses fascinating features that capture the world’s attention. This article is about a man who may not be the most interesting man in…

How to get the most fun out of a scenic coastal drive between Los Angeles and San Francisco

Many people we meet on our travels tell us that a trip down the coastal highway between San Francisco and Los Angeles is on their bucket list. Do it, and you too will sing the praises of the beautiful California…

Who knows the power of dance, dwells in God

The Sacred Dance has nothing to do with a specific dance style or with particular body techniques. The dancer moves in such a way that the units of him or his Mind, Body and Spirit have a Higher Spiritual Energy….