Tips for priming walls before applying paint

Before painting your walls, all veteran drywall painters strongly recommend that you prime first. Wall priming may seem like a tedious and unnecessary step, but you’ll find it’s worth it in the end. Even if you have an unimportant area to paint, like a closet or pantry, priming first will make a world of difference and you’ll be glad you did. Read on to learn some helpful tips that will make baiting an easier job than you expected.

Why Prime?

There’s a good reason to prime your walls before you paint them. Primer is a sealer that provides a preparatory coat for your paint. The primer promotes better paint adhesion, increases paint durability and longevity, and protects drywall. Although you can purchase self-priming wall paint, it is recommended that you use two separate products for best results.

what will you need

To prepare your walls for painting, you need the right supplies. Never try to take shortcuts when priming and painting. It is important not to skimp on quality as well. Although you don’t need the best products to achieve a professional-looking result, you do need to use good brands and durable tools.

To get started, visit your local home improvement store and add these items to your shopping cart:

  • paint brush
  • Paint bucket
  • Paint Bucket Liner
  • roller tray
  • Roller tray liner
  • Roller
  • roller cover
  • throw the clothes
  • primer
  • sanding sponge
  • extension pole

*Don’t forget the actual paint for when you’re done prepping!

Application Tips

Always be sure to prepare the surrounding area for a painting project by covering carpets, floors, furniture, and appliances with drop cloths. This step also includes gluing baseboards, crown molding, wainscoting, and more. Once your environment is protected, you can go to work without worrying about your personal belongings.

When you dip your brush into the primer, try to wipe any excess product off the sides of the bucket. You don’t want to apply primer when your brush is dripping. When it’s time to apply the product to the wall, start with the edges first. Create a border around the edges and corners of the walls where the roller will not be able to reach.

For reliable results always apply at least 2 coats of primer. For new drywall construction, one coat is acceptable, but two coats is standard. For darker colored walls, you may need an additional coat or two if you are painting with a lighter colored paint later.

Be sure to lightly sand the walls after the primer has finished drying completely. Then use a tack cloth to wipe off all excess powder. Do this step before painting, and you’ll have a smooth, even finish when you’re done.

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