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Pregnancy 101: 5 signs and symptoms that you will soon give birth

The last few weeks leading up to your labor and delivery aren’t exactly a smooth ride. The sleepless nights, the back pain, the constant trips to the bathroom … You feel all kinds of aches and pains that sometimes it is difficult to know if it is part of the pregnancy or if you are actually going to give birth soon.

Signs and symptoms differ for every expectant mom, some experience them a month before delivery, while others just an hour before giving birth.

Watch for these signs and symptoms that the baby is being born:

You are super fatigued or full of energy

In the few weeks or days before delivery, you may feel more tired (in addition to being tired all the time). Between heaviness, exhaustion, and an active bladder, it’s hard to get a good night’s sleep. Some may feel like being in bed all day, while others experience the opposite – a burst of energy.

There is a need to clean and organize the house to make sure everything is ready once the little one arrives. This is called nesting.

Your baby will “descend”

This is called “lighting,” where your baby lands on your pelvis, getting into position to come out. This is a sign that labor will start soon and you will find yourself having even more visits to the bathroom to urinate and wiggling even more when you walk.

At least you will be able to breathe easier as your little one moves away from your lungs!

You experience diarrhea

Many pregnant women experience diarrhea at different times in their pregnancy, but shortly before it erupts, it will reappear! This is because, in preparation for childbirth, the muscles of the uterus begin to relax, as do the other muscles of the body, including those of the rectum. Don’t forget to stay hydrated!

Your vaginal discharge changes color and consistency.

When your baby is about to be born, your vaginal discharge will turn pink and thicker; this is called a bloody show. You can also lose your mucus plug, the one that seals your uterus.

You will feel stronger contractions

During the third trimester, you will often feel Braxton Hicks contractions (practice contractions) that it would be difficult to tell if the ones you feel are actual labor contractions. If you are getting closer to your due date and have stronger and more frequent contractions, it may mean that you are in labor or will be in labor soon.

Watch out for these signs and symptoms that you are going to give birth soon!


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