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How to throw a mole

Moles for some people are a problem of vanity and for others it could be a cancerous melanoma. So before you learn the procedures on how to prick a mole, you need to know the facts about it first. A mole is a dark growth on the skin classified as a birthmark, hemangiomas or abnormal blood vessels, or keratosis (benign or precancerous spots). The moles that are acquired are forms of benign neoplasms; Congenital moles are minor malformations or hamartomas that have a high risk of melanoma. Subdermal moles are moles under the skin and melanocyte moles are those that grow pigmented on the skin.

The common cause of mole is, first of all, genes or inherited conditions. Genes have a great influence on moles on the skin. Moles such as dysplastic nevi are higher risk moles and are more likely to become cancerous. The second cause is sunlight. Ultraviolet radiation damages the skin and causes melanoma.

Not all moles are cancerous. Moles can be removed without the use of surgery if the mole is not cancerous. Some dermatologists would simply use lasers, scalpels, or other medical tools to remove moles. There are also some non-surgical medications or applications that can remove moles naturally.

If you are focusing on how to surgically prick a mole, you should seek the services of a professional dermatologist. A dermatologist will prepare you and give you information about the history of moles and the risks they can carry; The explanation should include the reasons why it is necessary to remove the moles and the effect it would have on the skin.

There are three different ways how to launch a mole:

First, the dermatologist performs the excision method with stitches using a blade in the extraction procedure. This is a type of standard surgical procedure to remove the mole from the skin. The dermatologist may use a surgical blade to prick the skin and then, with a scalpel, excavate the root of the mole so that it does not grow back.

The second way is cauterization in which the doctor uses a cautery tool to burn the mole. This process does not require stitches because the surface of the skin mole is burned.

The third method is the shaving method in which the doctor will use a scalpel to lift and remove the mole. After removing the mole, the doctor will burn the skin to stop the bleeding and then apply a topical antibiotic to disinfect the wound and cover the wound with a bandage.

There are also some methods that do not require surgery, but involve natural medication or the application of over-the-counter creams specifically for mole removal on the skin. It would be best to consult with a dermatologist first before choosing the method that is suitable for your condition.

If you opt for mole removal surgery, make sure you are aware of the risks and the effect of this method, such as infection and scar, as a postoperative effect. Ask about information and facts about how to prick a mole and how to care for the wound to prevent infection before deciding to have surgical removal.


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